Researchers have identified a significant threat for users of Telegram versions 10.14.4 or older. Cybercriminals are uploading specially crafted multimedia files to chats and channels. If unsuspecting users download and open these files, they will see a preview of what appears to be a regular multimedia file, but it’s actually an Android app disguised as malware. The malicious file, which looks like a 30-second video, is set to download by default through manipulated Telegram settings. As soon as the user opens the chat, the malware starts downloading automatically.
How the Threat Works:
Automatic Download: The malicious file downloads as soon as the user opens the chat.
Deceptive Video File: The file appears as a 30-second video but is actually a harmful malware.
Error Message Deception: When the user clicks on the video, the app shows an error message, tricking the user into thinking there is a problem with the Telegram app.
Third-Party Permissions: If the user panics and clicks ‘Accept,’ the malware asks for third-party permissions.
Full Access Granted: Once the user grants these permissions, the malware gains full access to the user’s device.
Experts warn that installing this app can lead to severe consequences for Telegram users. To avoid this threat, users are strongly advised to update their Telegram app to the latest version immediately.
Key Points to Stay Safe:
Update Telegram: Always ensure you are using the latest version of the app.
Avoid Clicking Unknown Files: Do not download or open multimedia files from unknown sources or suspicious chats.
Check App Permissions: Be cautious about granting permissions to new apps.