There is no doubt that WhatsApp is the most used messaging app in the world. More importantly, WhatsApp is introducing security features. In this background, WhatsApp is working on bringing another interesting security feature. This new security feature is designed to require a special secret code to access chats locked in the app on the web. With this, it seems that the 'lock chat' feature which was recently introduced in the mobile version will be extended to the web version as well.
WhatsApp is working to bring this feature which is currently in the testing stage to all users soon. To open the locked chats on WhatsApp web, you need to enter a pre-set secret code. So that personal or confidential information is not leaked to others. This feature is especially useful for office workers. If you forget to log out by mistake, no one will see your secret chats.
It seems that this feature will be added in the updated version of WhatsApp soon. Meanwhile.. Lock has made chatting on WhatsApp more easy. For this, there is no need to go into the settings and activate the feature. Just long press on the chat you want to lock and select the 'Lock Chat' option. šš¬