In a nostalgic gathering in Hyderabad, Tollywood superstar Allu Arjun commemorated the 20th anniversary of his breakthrough movie, Arya. Addressing fans and media, Arjun reminisced about the early days, sharing insights into the film's unexpected success. He highlighted that during those times, a movie running for 10 weeks was considered just average. "On release day, Sukumar and I went for the first show. Only 40% of the seats were filled," Arjun shared. Despite the lukewarm start, their confidence didn't waver, and as it turned out, Arya ran triumphantly for 125 days, significantly outperforming expectations.
Allu Arjun also acknowledged key figures like producer Dil Raju and director Sukumar, crediting them with the film's success and their subsequent stellar careers in the industry. "This movie was a game-changer in Tollywood," he asserted. Arjun also paid tribute to Devi Sri Prasad, whose music played a pivotal role in the film's appeal, helping to elevate it to a cult status over time.
Reflecting on his career trajectory since Arya, Allu Arjun expressed gratitude towards the audience, emphasizing how their love has shaped his journey. As Arya continues to hold a special place in the hearts of Telugu cinema fans, the anniversary event was not just a celebration of a film, but of a phenomenon that helped define modern Telugu cinema.