The BCCI Secretary Jay Shah on Tuesday presented Tamil movie icon Rajnikanth with a golden ticket ahead of the ODI World Cup set to be hosted by India.BCCI had earlier handed over golden tickets to Sachin Tendulkar and Amitabh Bachchan.🏏💫
In a social media post shared on Tuesday, BCCI credited Rajnikanth as ‘The Phenomenon Beyond Cinema.’“The legendary actor has left an indelible mark on the hearts of millions, transcending language and culture. We are thrilled to announce that Thalaiva will grace the World Cup 2023 as our distinguished guest and will light up the biggest cricketing spectacle with his presence,” the rest of the social media post read.The golden tickets are a promotional strategy used by the BCCI for the showpiece event it is hosting, with the recipients granted VIP treatment during World Cup match🏏💫