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Suresh D

Beware if these symptoms appear in the body..

Blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, heart attack and kidney diseases have become major problems in the modern competitive world. Cholesterol is the most dangerous of all. Doctors say that cholesterol causes other diseases. What is real cholesterol, does the body need it or not, how is it made? Let's find out what are the symptoms of cholesterol.

Cholesterol is a waxy substance. It is of two types. One is the good cholesterol known as HDL. The second bad cholesterol is called LDL. Cholesterol forms various hormones and cell walls in the body. Cholesterol is essential for the body. Because through this, testosterone and estrogen hormones required by the body are made. But LDL is dangerous for the body. Not good at all. Make sure that LDL does not increase in the body.

When bad cholesterol or LDL increases in the body, the effect first appears on the hands and feet. Due to reduced blood supply to the arms and legs, the veins become discolored, swollen and crampy. Swelling appears in hands and feet. Besides..weakness also exists. If the cholesterol in the body increases, yellow spots are mainly seen around the eyes. As cholesterol increases, these spots reach up to the nose. That's why you should try to lower cholesterol in the beginning. Cholesterol control is all about diet and exercise. Cigarettes, alcohol, processed food, junk foods, spicy foods, pizza burgers, packaged foods should be avoided. Regular consumption of vegetables, pulses, eggs and regular exercise or walking can definitely keep cholesterol under control.

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