In view of the cancellation of Vande Bharat, the Railways advised to contact the inquiry centers and officials at the respective stations for complete information regarding other trains. Passengers who have booked tickets for Vande Bharat train can board another train. Officials announced on Twitter that they are sorry for the inconvenience caused for passengers. In view of the cancellation of Vande Bharat Express, the VSKP-SC special train which started at 07:00 am today also has catering services, he said. Passengers have requested to avail these services. For this, Railway officials have asked to contact the Facilitation Counter at PF No. 1 at the train halting stations.
It is known that Vande Bharat Express runs six days a week from Visakhapatnam to Secunderabad with number 20833 and from Secunderabad to Visakha with number 20834. This service is not available on Sundays. It leaves Visakhapatnam at 5.45 am and reaches Secunderabad at 2.15 pm every day. It will leave Secunderabad at 3 pm and reach Visakhapatnam at 11.30 pm. This Vande Bharat train stops only at Rajahmundry, Vijayawada, Khammam and Warangal stations. 🚄😊