Jana Sena chief Pawan Kalyan is in big trouble in Pithapuram Assembly constituency where he is contesting in this election. He is far behind the YSR Congress candidate Vanga Geetha in the campaign.Geetha is much ahead of Pawan Kalyan in reaching out to the voters in the constituency. She is making inroads into the Kapu vote bank. She is also a better educated candidate than Pawan Kalyan. She holds double Post Graduation, while Pawan Kalyan is Class X failed candidate.
Now he is having more trouble with his namesake who entered into the electoral battle on Navarang Congress Party. Though the party is not known to the people much, the candidate’s name causes worry for the Jana Sena chief. The party’s election symbol also had become a cause of tension for Pawan Kalyan.The Navarang Congress Party fielded, Kanumuri Pawan Kalyan, in Pithapuram. While Jana Sena chief is Konidela Pawan Kalyan, the Kanumuri Pawan Kalyan poses a big threat to his electoral prospects. As if the name is not enough, the Navarang Congress Party’s election symbol also causes worry for the Jana Sena chief.The Navarang Congress party was given Bucket as its election symbol by the Election Commission. The Bucket symbol also looks like the Glass Tumbler of the Jana Sena. It confuses the voters, particularly the uneducated rural voters much.Thus, the name and the election symbol also cause big worry for the Jana Sena chief. He is now trying to approach the Election Commission on the symbol of the Navarang Congress Party. His people have already lodged a complaint with the Election Commission on the similarity of the symbol.
It is to be seen how the Jana Sena chief would handle this situation. He is all set to lose some votes for the name and the symbol. The name and symbols are likely to be on the closer side of the electronic voting machine which is a big worry for Pawan Kalyan.🗳️✨