Early this Sunday morning, around 5 AM, a disturbing incident unfolded in front of Bollywood star Salman Khan's residence in Bandra, Mumbai. Two unidentified individuals on a motorcycle fired two rounds into the air before speeding away. Fortunately, no injuries were reported.
The Mumbai Police swiftly arrived at the scene, and efforts are underway to identify the shooters using nearby CCTV footage. Salman Khan was present in his house at the time of the incident. This shooting adds to a series of threats the actor has received over the years, intensifying concerns for his safety. Following the attack, there has been a significant increase in police presence around his residence, ensuring his security is tightened.
Salman Khan has previously been the target of several death threats, notably from gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, who has publicly expressed his intent to kill the actor. These threats are believed to be linked to Khan’s alleged involvement in the blackbuck poaching case of 1998, which is a sensitive issue for the Bishnoi community, staunch advocates for wildlife conservation.