Director Vashishta shared the photo related to this. It has been revealed that the pre-production work of Mega 157 has started in full swing. It is a socio fantasy film.
In recent times, Megastar Chiranjeevi's films have failed to gain the expected popularity. Saira Narasimha Reddy, Acharya, Godfather and Bholashankar's recently released films have disappointed at the box office. However, Chiranjeevi's account is not short of new films. Recently, he said OK to Bimbisara director Vashishta. The pre-production work of this film has also started. This is Chiranjeevi's 157th film. The film crew met Chiranjeevi at his residence. Director Vashishta shared the photo related to this. It has been revealed that the pre-production work of Mega 157 has started in full swing. It is a socio fantasy film. As it is being produced by UV Creations, it is understood that there will be no shortage of huge thrills🎥🎞️