Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy recently expressed support for the Gaddar Awards but noted that no one from the film industry had yet stepped forward to discuss the matter. Responding to this, Megastar Chiranjeevi urged the Film Chamber and Producer Council to engage in discussions about the awards.
Film Chamber's Response:
The Film Chamber, led by President Bharat Bhushan and Secretaries Damodar Prasad and Shivaprasad Ravu, issued a press note. The note expressed gratitude to CM Revanth Reddy and Cinematography Minister Komatireddy Venkata Reddy for their support in promoting the film industry in Telangana.
They announced that discussions had taken place with the Telangana State Film Development Corporation regarding the awards committee. The Telugu Film Chamber of Commerce and Telugu Film Producers Council are set to form a committee to develop guidelines, which will be submitted to the government soon.
This move signifies a proactive step by Tollywood towards the Nandi Awards and Gaddar Awards. The industry eagerly awaits how the governments of both states will manage these prestigious awards. The immediate focus on the Gaddar Awards by CM Revanth Reddy is particularly noteworthy.