Tamil star actor Vikram is currently riding high on the success of his latest film, Thangalaan. After a long time since Aparichitudu (Anniyan), Thangalaan has brought Vikram a massive hit in that range. At the Thangalaan success meet, Vikram made a surprising revelation: he cried for two months for missing out on an opportunity to work with his favorite director, Mani Ratnam. 🌟
"I have always admired Mani Ratnam," Vikram said. "I love his style of filmmaking, and I have watched all his films. Early in my career, I wanted to do at least one film with Mani Ratnam. Just as I hoped, I got an offer for Bombay. I was supposed to be the hero of Bombay. But I lost the opportunity due to a small mistake during the audition. They asked me to act in front of a still camera, not a video camera, and I didn't understand why. I was confused about why they wanted me to act in front of a still camera, and I didn't perform. That's how I missed the chance for Bombay." 🎥
"Unable to bear the disappointment, I cried for two months," Vikram confessed. "Later, I got to work with Mani Ratnam in Raavanan (Villain) and the Ponniyin Selvan series. But the regret of missing Bombay still lingers," Vikram shared, opening up about his deep regret. 💔
About Thangalaan 🏔️
Thangalaan, directed by Pa. Ranjith, is based on real events that took place in the Kolar Gold Fields (KGF). Released as an Independence Day gift on August 15, the film has been a massive success, storming the box office and crossing ₹100 crore in collections. The movie is now set to release in Hindi on September 6, with Vikram and the team actively promoting the film in Bollywood. 🎉