TL;DR: Malayalam film director B Unnikrishnan has been booked by the Ernakulam Central Police after producer Sandra Thomas accused him of threatening her for speaking to the Hema Committee about issues in the film industry. Sandra alleges that Unnikrishnan, along with producer Anto Joseph, tried to push her out of the industry. This comes after Sandra's earlier expulsion from the Kerala Film Producers Association (KFPA) for raising concerns about women's treatment in cinema.
Hey folks! 🎥 Guess what's buzzing in Mollywood? Director B Unnikrishnan is in some serious trouble! Producer Sandra Thomas has filed a complaint saying he threatened her for spilling the beans to the Hema Committee about the industry's shady dealings. The Ernakulam Central Police have booked Unnikrishnan and producer Anto Joseph based on her claims.
Sandra didn't hold back; she accused these bigwigs of trying to sideline her from the film scene. She even said they've been blocking her from getting any work since August! Talk about playing dirty!
This drama escalated after Sandra was booted out of the Kerala Film Producers Association (KFPA). Why? For calling out the boys' club mentality and highlighting the struggles women face in the industry. She felt this was a move to shut her up and keep other women from speaking out.
Sandra's been vocal about the industry's power dynamics, pointing fingers at a clique of actors, directors, and producers who call the shots and keep others in check. She even warned women against becoming producers due to the mental harassment involved.
Now, with the police stepping in, all eyes are on how this saga will unfold. Will this shake up the industry's power structure? Only time will tell!
What do you think about this controversy? Drop your thoughts in the comments below! 🗨️👇