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Shiva YT

😴 Do you know how dangerous it is to wake up those who are fast asleep..?

😴 Many studies show that waking up suddenly from a deep sleep has a profound effect on their health.

This activity not only affects their mental balance but also has long term effects on their memory, learning ability, cognitive development. In fact, our brain is most active when we are in deep sleep. During sleep, the brain performs many important functions, such as repairing body cells and storing new memories. If we wake up suddenly, the brain gets stressed. That stops it from working.

Due to pressure on the brain, blood vessels in the brain rupture and bleed. This is called a brain hemorrhage. Sometimes the brain is severely damaged. Health experts say that there is a risk of the person becoming disabled or even dying due to such consequences. Therefore, it is said that you should not wake someone suddenly while they are fast asleep. Shake them gently to wake them up. Otherwise, it is suggested that you raise your voice a bit. 🛌💤

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