If a person sleeps less than what his body needs, he will suffer from insomnia. The effect of insomnia varies from person to person. But do you know what happens if a person does not sleep for 2 nights (48 hours), 3 nights (72 hours)?
Most people experience side effects after 24 hours of being awake. A BAC level in the blood of a person who has been awake for 24 hours is equivalent to 0.10 percent. It can cause irritability, loss of concentration, extreme stress, muscle pain, and elevated blood sugar levels. Also, the more awake a person is, the greater the effect of sleep deprivation. If someone is awake for 48 hours continuously, they will be very tired. They can barely even open their eyes.. their brain begins to drift into a state of complete unconsciousness known as microsleep.
If you go without sleep for 72 hours, then the symptoms of fatigue worsen. Being without sleep for three days has a severe impact on a person's mental state and health. Side effects like fainting, irritability, inability to talk to others are also seen. If a person does not get enough sleep consistently, they are more likely to face problems like high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and depression. 😴💤