Dreams often carry hidden messages, and in many cultures, certain symbols in dreams are believed to indicate good fortune or positive changes ahead. Here are five such symbols:
Meaning: In Hindu mythology, the owl is considered the vehicle of Goddess Lakshmi, the deity of wealth. Seeing an owl in your dream is believed to be a sign of impending financial gain and special blessings from the goddess. According to dream interpretation, spotting an owl is highly auspicious.
Meaning: Contrary to popular belief, seeing a snake in a dream is not a bad omen. The meaning of a snake in a dream depends on the context. If you see a snake coiled around something, it is considered a sign of wealth coming your way, according to dream science.
Garuda (Eagle):
Meaning: Garuda is the divine vehicle of Lord Vishnu, who is the protector of the universe. If you see Garuda in your dream, it is believed that Lord Vishnu is blessing you. Such a dream is often interpreted as a sign of future prosperity and good fortune.
Meaning: Dreaming of gold is a very auspicious sign. It symbolizes the resolution of problems and is often seen as an indication of Goddess Lakshmi’s presence in your life. A dream featuring gold is believed to foretell wealth and prosperity in your near future.
Meaning: In Hinduism, the lamp holds significant spiritual importance. Lighting a lamp is a common practice in daily prayers and festivals. Seeing a lit lamp in your dream is considered a positive omen, signaling that good days are ahead. It is also believed to suggest relief from financial troubles and a brighter future.
These symbols, when seen in dreams, are considered highly auspicious and are believed to bring good luck, wealth, and prosperity into your life.