The talented Fahad Faasil's latest blockbuster, "Aavesham," has now made its digital premiere and is available to stream exclusively on Amazon Prime Video. The movie, directed and written by Jithu Madhavan, features Fahad in a thrilling role that has captivated audiences, contributing to its monumental box office success of over 150 crores.
Besides Fahad, the film stars Roshan Shanawas, Mithun Jai Shankar, Sajin Gopu, and Mansoor Ali Khan, who have all delivered stellar performances. The production was a joint venture between Anwar Rasheed Entertainment and Fahad Faasil & Friends, with Sushin Shyam providing an enthralling soundtrack that perfectly complements the intense drama of the film.
There's no word yet on dubbed versions, but fans can enjoy the original as it weaves a gripping narrative of power, ambition, and resilience. The digital release is expected to draw a significant viewership, echoing its theatrical triumph.