Anushka and Naveen Polishetty starrer 'Miss Shetty, Mister Polishetty' hit the screens on Thursday. According to a website called Saak Nilk, the total revenue of Rs.4 crore was received on the first day.
Anushka and Naveen Polishetty starrer 'Miss Shetty, Mister Polishetty' hit the screens on Thursday. According to a website called Saak Nilk, the total revenue of Rs.4 crore was received on the first day. It was released in Telugu and Tamil languages. It has been revealed that the audience occupancy in Telugu theaters is 39 percent, while in Tamil theaters it is 18.16 percent. It means that compared to Telugu, it seems to have half the popularity among Tamil people. According to Studio Flix's statistics, it collected Rs. 2.5 crore revenue on the first day in America. It is known that Shahrukh Khan starrer Jawaan was also released yesterday. Bringing in Miss Shetty on the release date of the biggest film also made some impact. If we look at the opinions of the audience, it seems that the response to the movie Miss Shetty Mister Polishetty, directed by P. Mahesh Babu, is mixed. 🎥🌟