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Shiva YT

🇨🇳 Floods shaking China and Myanmar..🇲🇲

🇨🇳 As per the Chinese Media describing the latest situation in their country.. As of Friday, 39 lakh people or five percent of the province's population were affected by floods. According to the report, 40 thousand houses were completely destroyed here.

Moreover, electricity and water problems have arisen for 1 lakh 55 thousand houses. 1.75 million people were displaced. The Chinese government ordered all the damaged houses before winter. The government allocated another 202 million yuan as a disaster relief fund.

🇲🇲 Even in Myanmar, the situation is worse due to floods. Thousands of people have become homeless here. It has been raining incessantly for the past week. Due to heavy rains, the situation in five states of Myanmar is dire. Five people died here. More than 40 thousand people had to leave their homes and move to safer places. Low-lying areas are flooded. Many relief camps have been set up in the city. The rescue team is continuing the rescue operations in the affected areas.

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