A tense situation unfolded in Mandya, Karnataka, during a Ganpati procession. Clashes broke out between two groups near a dargah on Mysore Road in Nagamangala town. As some miscreants started pelting stones at the procession, chaos erupted. Shops were damaged, and tyres were set on fire, causing panic. Police had to resort to lathi charge to control the situation and arrested 52 people involved in the rioting. The youth, carrying the Ganesh idol, protested outside the police station, demanding the release of those they claimed were wrongfully arrested. To maintain law and order, Section 163 of the BSNS Act has been imposed in the area.
Meanwhile, Karnataka Home Minister Parameshwara stated that the situation is now under control. A similar incident occurred in Surat, Gujarat, where a group threw stones at a Ganpati mandap, leading to the arrest of six minors.