Deputy CM Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka said that the state is in debt of five and a half lakh crore rupees, yet the finance department has taken up the responsibilities as a challenge.
The officials were asked to work diligently to increase the revenue to fulfill the six guarantees announced by the Congress party and the promises contained in the Abhaya Hastam manifesto. Bhatti pointed out that the success of the government depends on the finance department, and if the government's goals are fulfilled if they perform their duties with the sincerity of working for the development of the state and not like employees. 🎯📊
Minister Bhatti called upon us to overcome many challenges and achieve the economic progress of the state together. He said that after hearing the sufferings expressed by the people of all communities during the Padayatra, Telangana has no meaning and has announced six guarantees and assurances in the Abhayahastam Manifesto for the solution of their problems. Bhatti Vikramarka directed the authorities to work towards providing sources of revenue to fulfill these promises. 🚀🌐