The historic Lashkar Bonalu festival, celebrated for over 200 years, has commenced with grandeur. This festival, dedicated to Goddess Mahankali, holds significant importance not only in Telangana but also in various other states. The Bonalu festivities started on Sunday, the 21st, and the Rangam event is set for Monday, the 22nd. The temple surroundings are vibrant with devotees who have come for the Ujjaini Mahakali darshan.The celebrations are marked by the spectacular displays of Pothurajus, Shiva Sattus' dances, processions of Thottelu, and fruit chariots. Special queue lines have been arranged for the devotees, with separate arrangements for VIPs and donors.
As a symbol of the unique culture of Hyderabad, the Lashkar Bonalu began in full splendor. Early in the morning, Minister Ponnam Prabhakar Goud offered silk clothes and Bonam to the Goddess on behalf of the government. He and his family performed special prayers, marking the auspicious start of the festival.