Sanjay Leela Bhansali's "Heera Mandi: The Diamond Bazaar" made its grand entrance on Netflix this May 1st. Set in the historical red-light district of Lahore, this series takes us back to the British era, showcasing the challenging lives of women in Heera Mandi. Known for his lavish sets and attention to detail, Bhansali has assembled a stellar cast, from top actresses to seasoned veterans, each receiving substantial compensation for their roles.
Sanjay Leela Bhansali himself tops the chart, reportedly pocketing a whopping 65 crores for directing this ambitious project. Among the actresses, Sonakshi Sinha leads with a hefty 2 crore salary. Aditi Rao Hydari captivated audiences with her performance, earning between 1 to 1.5 crores. Manisha Koirala received a cool crore for her role, while Sanjeeda Sheikh bagged 40 lakhs, despite her limited screen time. The elaborate sets, reminiscent of Bhansali's cinematic style, add to the allure of this engaging series. "Heera Mandi" marks Bhansali's first foray into web series, bringing his trademark grandeur to the small screen.