Allu Arjun, the acclaimed National Award-winning actor, is currently deeply engrossed in the production of his latest cinematic endeavour, Pushpa 2 The Rule, expertly directed by the renowned filmmaker Sukumar. Alongside him, the famous actress Rashmika Mandanna shares the spotlight.
Recently, the film’s creators excitedly unveiled its release date, marking the calendar for August 15, 2024. The announcement was accompanied by an intriguing poster, but it wasn’t just the date that piqued the interest of keen-eyed observers. They noticed a captivating detail in the poster—the remarkable length of Pushpa Raj’s pinky finger nail.
Intrigued by this detail, some curious souls embarked on a journey to explore the cultural significance of men growing long nails on their pinky fingers. It turns out, in specific cultures, a lengthy pinky nail on the non-dominant hand symbolises wealth and elevated social standing, signifying a person exempt from manual labour. This fascinating revelation has set social media abuzz, with netizens commending Sukumar for his meticulous attention to detail.🎥🎞️