Bollywood star Janhvi Kapoor has been buzzing on social media, thanks to her packed schedule with multiple projects. The talented actress is eagerly anticipating the release of her Hindi film Ulajh, which hits theaters on August 2nd. In the movie, she plays the role of Suhana, a Deputy High Commissioner. Besides this, Janhvi is also making waves with her role in the much-awaited Telugu film Devara, alongside young tiger NTR, directed by Koratala Siva. š
Shooting for 'Devara' in Full Swing š¬
DevaraĀ is being directed by Koratala Siva and will be released in two parts. The first part is set to hit theaters on September 27th. Currently, the film is in the shooting phase, and the team has been sharing exciting updates to keep fans thrilled. Recently, Janhvi Kapoor shared an interesting post on social media during a shooting break, giving her fans a delightful treat. šæ
Janhvi's Viral Post šø
In her Instagram post, Janhvi shared a picture of a dining table laden with biryani, chicken dishes, and a variety of vegetarian foods. Along with the photo, she captioned it, "This is why I love shooting for Devara" with fire and love emojis. The post quickly went viral, and fans couldn't stop talking about it. It seems the delicious food on set is one of the reasons Janhvi enjoys her time during the shoot! šā¤ļø
Fans' Reactions š¬
Janhvi's post has sparked a wave of reactions from netizens, with many commenting on the mouth-watering spread and expressing their excitement for the film. Her post not only highlights her enthusiasm for the movie but also showcases the camaraderie and joy on the set of Devara. Fans are eagerly waiting for the film's release and are delighted to get a glimpse of the fun behind the scenes. š
Share your thoughts on Janhvi Kapoor's latest post and the exciting updates from Devara! Comment below! ā¬ļø