Shah Rukh Khan's film 'Jawan' finally hit theatres on September 7. The film is doing exceptionally good business at the box office. On its opening weekend, 'Jawan' minted Rs 287 crore in India.
Shah Rukh Khan's film 'Jawan' finally hit theatres on September 7. The film is doing exceptionally good business at the box office. On its opening weekend, 'Jawan' minted Rs 287 crore in India. Worldwide, the Atlee-directorial has already crossed the Rs 300-crore mark.
‘Jawan’ is a box office winner. On Day 1, the film earned Rs 74.50 crore across all languages in India. The film went on to witness the biggest opening day in the history of Hindi cinema by minting Rs 129.06 crore worldwide. According to trade reports, on Day 4, September 10, 'Jawan' earned Rs 81 crore in India. Hence, the total collection in India now stands at Rs 287.06 crore. Meanwhile, 'Jawan' had an overall 70.77 per cent occupancy on Sunday, September 10.🎥🌟