Kajal Aggarwal, the charming "Chandamama" of Tollywood, has embarked on her second innings in the film industry. She is currently starring in "Indian 2" with Kamal Haasan and is keen on taking up more lady-oriented movies. As a happy mother, Kajal is now looking for more opportunities to become busy again. Her latest film, "Satyabhama," a lady-oriented movie, is set to release on May 31st. Kajal has been actively promoting the movie, and the glimpses and songs released so far have been well-received.
In a fun show with Ali as part of the movie promotions, Kajal shared some interesting insights. She made intriguing comments about star hero Allu Arjun, mentioning that he gave her valuable advice during her film journey. Bunny advised her to continue the same emotion for a while even after the camera stops rolling, which is beneficial during editing. Kajal emphasized that this advice has been very helpful to her.
These comments by Kajal have gone viral on the internet. Fans might remember the duo from "Arya 2," a musical hit, and they also shared screen space in "Yevadu."
Kajal, who was in a good phase of her career, married her love Gautam Kitchlu and has a son named Neil. After a break from films due to marriage and motherhood, she is now ready to act again. Kajal was recently seen in "Bhagavanth Kesari" in Telugu and is gearing up for the audience with "Indian 2" and "Satyabhama." Meanwhile, Allu Arjun is busy shooting for "Pushpa 2."