Prominent Kannada actor Darshan Thugadeepa has been arrested by the Bengaluru police in connection with a murder case. Along with Darshan, ten other individuals were detained in Mysuru on Tuesday. The local media reported that he has been taken to Bengaluru for further investigation.
On June 8th, a woman named Renuka Swamy was found murdered. Her body was discovered the next day in a canal near Kamakshipalya. The police identified the victim as being from Chitradurga. Allegations have surfaced against Darshan in this case. During the investigation, one of the suspects mentioned Darshan’s name, leading to his detention. The police found that Darshan was frequently in touch with the accused, prompting his custody for further investigation.
Initial investigations suggest that Darshan’s wife received inappropriate messages from Renuka Swamy, which might have led to this tragic incident.