Kovai Sarala, the beloved lady comedian of South Indian cinema, known for her vibrant screen presence and impeccable comic timing, recently made a poignant revelation. In an exclusive interview during her promotional tour for the film "Back" in Hyderabad, she shared her emotional journey and the hard choices she had faced during her father's demise.
"Everyone knew me as the cheerful one, always ready to make the audience laugh," Kovai Sarala reminisced. But behind the laughter, there was a moment in her life filled with profound sadness. She recalled shooting a lively dance sequence in Ooty when she received the heart-wrenching news of her father’s death. "There I was, in the middle of laughter and music, breaking inside knowing that my dad had just passed away," she disclosed.
Kovai Sarala faced a dire dilemma; leaving the shoot would mean a significant financial loss for the producers because of her pivotal role in the scene. "I chose to complete the shoot before leaving. It was one of the toughest decisions of my life," she admitted. Kovai Sarala’s father's funeral went on without her, and she couldn't bid him one last farewell, which left her with deep regret and tears.
The actress also revealed that this incident led to criticism from her relatives, who accused her of valuing money over her father. "It was devastating to hear such things during such a painful time," she added, her voice cracking with emotion.
Kovai Sarala's story not only sheds light on the personal sacrifices artists often make but also opens a discussion on the pressures and decisions faced in the entertainment industry.