Our very own Tollywood Superstar Mahesh Babu is gearing up for a massive project with the legendary director SS Rajamouli. This highly anticipated film, Mahesh's 29th (SSMB 29), is being planned on a grand scale, aiming for a pan-world release. Amidst his preparation for this blockbuster, Mahesh is also spending quality time with his family.
Today is a special day for Mahesh Babu's beloved daughter, Sitara, as she celebrates her 12th birthday. To mark the occasion, Mahesh shared a heartfelt message on social media. He posted a selfie with Sitara, accompanied by a beautiful birthday wish: "Happy 12th, my little star! Shine on like the star you are, making this special day even more special. I will always love you." This touching post has quickly gone viral among fans, who are also pouring in their birthday wishes for Sitara.