Mamta Mohandas, the actress who won Telugu hearts with her role in "Yamadonga," is back in the spotlight. Despite her battle with cancer, Mamta is now thriving in the Malayalam film industry and making waves in Tamil cinema. Her recent appearance in Vijay Sethupathi's "Maharaja" is highly anticipated, with the movie set to release on June 14th.
In a recent interview promoting "Maharaja," Mamta opened up about her life, career, and personal experiences. Reflecting on her journey, she expressed gratitude for the recognition she received in the Malayalam industry, which paved the way for opportunities in Tamil and Telugu cinema. Mamta shared her joy in receiving praise from Bollywood personalities like Pankaj Tripathi and Gauri Khan.
Addressing dating rumors, Mamta revealed, "I once had a relationship in Los Angeles, but it didn't last long. Relationships bring stress, which I don't want in my life. While I'm not against having a partner, I'm not actively seeking one. I'm happy with my life right now. Who knows what the future holds? I'm open to finding a partner when the time is right."
Mamta's candidness and resilience continue to inspire many, making her a beloved figure in the film industry.