Prabhas, known as the Pan-India Rebel Star, has been under the spotlight ever since his groundbreaking performance in the Baahubali series. This fame has brought not only fans but also seemingly targeted criticisms from certain media quarters. Recently, some negative articles have emerged, particularly focusing on the alleged declining box office performance of his latest movie, Salaar, which did not meet TRP expectations.
However, these critics often overlook the undeniable star power Prabhas commands. No actor draws an audience without substantial credibility and market presence. Prabhas has consistently proven his worth, with films like Baahubali, Adipurush, and the upcoming Kalki 2898 AD portraying him in strong, influential roles. Despite targeted negativity, his films continue to rake in over ₹100 crores on opening days, showcasing that his popularity and marketability are only on the rise.