The drama between Raj Tarun and Lavanya has taken a new twist with actress Mirchi Madhavi sharing her perspective. Lavanya accused Raj Tarun of trying to leave her after 11 years of live-in relationship and blamed actress Malvi Malhotra for the distance between them. As both Lavanya and Malvi have filed complaints against each other, Mirchi Madhavi's recent comments have added more fuel to the fire.
In an interview, Mirchi Madhavi stated, "You can take a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. The same goes for a relationship. If Raj Tarun doesn't want to be with Lavanya, forcing it won’t help. Lavanya seems confused, claiming marriage on one hand while filing cases for another marriage on the other. Raj Tarun has made it clear that he doesn't want her. If he doesn't want to be with her mentally, how can the relationship work?"
Madhavi continued, "Lavanya is showing evidence and making claims, but if Raj Tarun says no, it means no. She can't force him. Fighting legal battles and threatening suicide won't make him change his mind. Lavanya needs to move on. Even marriages are failing today; how can a forced relationship survive? If Lavanya truly loved Raj Tarun, why did she get involved with another person? This is not a game. Raj Tarun has expressed that he can't handle her mentally. When a bond is over, it's over. Instead of clinging on, she should move forward."
Madhavi's candid comments have stirred up more discussions about the controversy, making everyone wonder what will happen next in this ongoing saga.