In a grand political spectacle in Vijayawada, Prime Minister Narendra Modi led a massive roadshow on Wednesday night, marking a significant moment in Andhra Pradesh's election campaign. Starting from the municipal stadium, the event saw participation from Telugu Desam Party leader Chandrababu Naidu and Janasena Party president Pawan Kalyan, alongside PM Modi.
The streets were packed with supporters from the three parties, turning the area into a sea of people. As the leaders moved through the crowds, they greeted the enthusiastic citizens who showed up in droves. The roadshow continued up to Benz Circle, with a tremendous turnout.
Farmers and women showed up in large numbers to express their support for the NDA alliance. Following the roadshow, Modi, Chandrababu, and Pawan held a private meeting, reportedly satisfied with the public's response and the campaign's momentum in Andhra Pradesh. PM Modi shared moments from the event on Twitter, showing his joy over the warm reception.
Chandrababu Naidu stated that this event has created a new chapter in history and expressed gratitude on X (formerly Twitter) to all the supporters who participated. He indicated confidence in forming the new government in AP by June 4th. Pawan Kalyan also expressed his delight over the successful roadshow, emphasizing his commitment to PM Modi's vision for a developed India and treasuring the memories from the campaign.