Naveen Chandra, a versatile actor known for his impactful villain roles and occasional heroic appearances, is back with a new movie titled "Leven". Although this movie started production some time ago, it remained under the radar until yesterday when the teaser was quietly released, surprising the audience.
The title "Leven" immediately reminded people of the Andhra Pradesh Assembly elections, where the YSR Congress Party won only 11 seats. This number has already been the subject of many social media trolls, with memes featuring Jagan's photo at the 11th position on the clock being circulated by TDP and Janasena supporters.
Given the current trending status of the number 11, many speculated if the movie title was a counter to the trolling faced by the YSR Congress Party. Reporters brought this up during the press meet, questioning if the title was a strategic choice. The team laughed it off, clarifying that the movie and its title had been decided long ago and had no connection to the current trend.
Directed by newcomer Lokesh, "Leven" appears to be an intriguing crime thriller. The story revolves around a police officer's intense battle to catch a ruthless killer. The teaser has heightened expectations with its suspenseful and gripping content. The movie is expected to hit the screens soon, leaving fans eagerly awaiting its release.