Chandrababu Naidu took charge as the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh on Thursday (June 13) at the Velagapudi Secretariat. On his first day in office, the Chandrababu government made several significant decisions. In line with his election promises, he signed the first order for the Mega DSC, aiming to fill 16,347 teacher posts. He announced that the notification for these posts would be released soon. Additionally, the previous DSC issued by the former government has been canceled, with orders issued on Thursday night. The recruitment process is to be completed by December 31, 2024.
Key Announcements:
Total Vacancies: 16,347 Teacher Posts
Secondary Grade Teachers (SGT): 6,371
PET: 132
School Assistants: 7,725
TGT: 1,781
PGT: 286
Principals: 52
The government aims to complete the entire DSC process within six months, including notification, applications, and exam dates.
Five Key Signatures by CM Chandrababu:
Mega DSC: Signed to initiate the process for filling 16,347 teacher posts.
Land Titling Act: Repealed in the presence of affected farmers and land dispute victims.
Social Security Pensions: Increased to ₹4,000.
Skill Development: Signed to enhance youth skills and create job opportunities.
Anna Canteens: Reinstated the affordable meal program.
The 2024 election notification for 6,100 teacher posts saw 472,487 applications but was postponed due to the election code. The new government’s decision is seen as a fulfillment of promises made to the unemployed and a step towards improving the education sector in Andhra Pradesh.