In an unexpected turn of events, the shooting of the much-anticipated movie 'Devar,' starring NTR and directed by Koratala Siva, faced a bizarre interruption. The incident occurred in the lush forests of Paderu in the Alluri Sitarama Raju district, where the film's intense scenes were being shot.
While the crew was busy capturing a high-octane sequence, a swarm of bees attacked the location, causing chaos. Over 20 crew members, including junior artists, suffered injuries in this unforeseen ordeal. Emergency services rushed to the scene, and the injured were immediately taken to nearby hospitals for treatment.
The film 'Devar' has been garnering significant attention due to its star-studded cast including Bollywood actors Janhvi Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan, and marks NTR's significant project after his blockbuster 'RRR.' Despite the setback, NTR was not present at the scene as he is currently busy shooting for another project titled 'War 2' in Visakhapatnam.
No official statement has been released by the film's production team regarding the incident. The team had planned to release 'Devar' in two parts, with the first installment expected to hit theaters on October 10 as a grand Dussehra release.