🔴 In Andhra Pradesh, if YSRCP wins, Jagan will undoubtedly take the CM seat, and if TDP wins, Chandrababu will be the CM. But this time, all eyes are on Jana Sena Chief Pawan Kalyan. Since announcing an alliance with TDP, his name has been buzzing among AP youth. The main question is, will Pawan Kalyan win in Pithapuram? What will be his majority? How many seats will Jana Sena secure? 🌟
In 2019, Jana Sena won only one seat. Exit polls now predict they might secure double-digit seats and possibly two MP seats. Despite losing in Gajuwaka and Bhimavaram in 2019, surveys predict a strong win for Pawan in Pithapuram this time.
Pawan Kalyan: The Game Changer in AP Politics
In the 2014 elections, TDP and YSRCP fought neck and neck, but TDP won thanks to Pawan Kalyan's support and an alliance with BJP. In 2019, Jana Sena distanced from TDP and allied with BSP and communists, winning only one seat. Pawan himself couldn't enter the assembly, raising doubts about Jana Sena's survival.
Defying the odds, Pawan Kalyan kept the party alive over the past five years. Not only did he maintain the party, but he also convinced BJP to join forces with TDP, aiming to defeat YSRCP. Pawan focused less on the number of seats for his party and more on dethroning Jagan. A political analyst once said, "Anyone can be the player of the tournament in AP elections, but the player of the match is Pawan Kalyan."
If Jana Sena secures double-digit seats and YSRCP loses, Pawan's mission will be accomplished. After a disappointing 2019, Pawan Kalyan is poised to be the game changer in this election! 🏆