Tollywood's megastar, Ram Charan, has just been bestowed with a prestigious honorary doctorate, elevating his status to Dr. Ram Charan. The ceremony, which took place on Saturday, April 13, at the renowned Vels University in Tamil Nadu, was a lively affair filled with enthusiasm from students and faculty alike.
The award comes as a recognition of Ram Charan's contributions to cinema, particularly highlighting his global impact following the massive success of the movie 'RRR'. The event was celebrated by many from the Telugu film industry, including his father, megastar Chiranjeevi, and uncle Nagababu, who expressed their pride and joy on social media. Videos and pictures from the ceremony have gone viral, attracting congratulations from celebrities and fans worldwide.
Chiranjeevi shared his excitement and pride on Twitter, noting how such moments are profoundly emotional and proud for a father. Nagababu also commented on the honor, expressing his happiness and pride as a family member and a Telugu, hoping for many more such achievements for Ram Charan in the future.