Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja, who recently appeared in Mister Bachchan, had a minor accident during the shooting of his latest project. Despite the injury, Ravi Teja continued filming, which unfortunately aggravated his condition. On Friday, he was admitted to a private hospital in Hyderabad, where doctors recommended surgery on his right hand. The surgery was successfully completed, and doctors have advised Ravi Teja to take six weeks of rest.
Ravi Teja is currently working on his upcoming film #RTu75, which has been in production for several months. The incident happened during Thursday's shoot. The film marks the directorial debut of writer Bhanu Bhogavarapu, with Sreeleela starring as the female lead. While the movie is described as an action entertainer, further details are awaited.
Ravi Teja has been discharged from the hospital and is now recovering. Fans are eagerly awaiting his return to the sets after his recovery.