In a surprising turn of events, Andhra Pradesh Minister Roja Selvamani has sparked controversy with her remarks on the campaigning efforts of popular TV personalities like Getup Srinu, Sudigali Sudheer, and others for Pawan Kalyan in the Pithapuram constituency. Minister Roja accused them of campaigning not out of genuine support but out of fear of being sidelined in the industry if they oppose the mega family. "These people are just small-time entertainers; talking to them serves no purpose," Roja remarked dismissively.
Responding to the accusations, Getup Srinu clarified that their support for Pawan Kalyan was voluntary and enthusiastic. He stated that they initiated contact themselves to campaign and were not compelled by anyone. “Our respect and admiration for Pawan Kalyan drive us,” he asserted, confidently predicting a landslide victory for the Janasena leader in Pithapuram. Srinu also mentioned that he continues to receive offers from a variety of film heroes, not just the mega family, proving his versatility and popularity in the industry.