The CM's office inquired about KCR's health. In the context of KCR Yashoda's stay in the hospital, security has been tightened there. On behalf of the government, CM Revanth Reddy sent IAS Rizvi to Yashoda to inquire about his health.
Chief Minister Revanth Reddy inquired about the health of BRS chief and former CM KCR. The CM directed the officials to monitor the health condition of KCR who is being treated at Yashoda Hospital due to injury. The Secretary of the State Medical and Health Department issued instructions to Rizvi to inform him about the health of KCR. Rizvi spoke to the doctors at Yashoda Hospital in Somajiguda on the orders of the CM. He talked to the doctors about KCR's health condition. Later, Rizvi explained the situation to CM Revanth Reddy. - Rizvi spoke to KCR's family members.
KCR injured his hip after his foot slipped in the bathroom late on Thursday night. He was rushed from Erravelli Farmhouse to Yashoda Hospital in Somajiguda. The doctors immediately conducted medical tests and CT scan and said that surgery is necessary. Recently, the doctors of Yashoda Hospital have released a health bulletin on KCR's health condition. He said that his health is stable. KCR is advised to undergo hip bone replacement of left leg. 💉🚑📋