Shikhar Dhawan, the celebrated Indian cricketer, has announced his retirement from both domestic and international cricket, bringing an end to a remarkable 14-year career. Dhawan took to social media to share the news, posting a heartfelt video on his account, reflecting on his journey and expressing gratitude for the support he received throughout his career.
Dhawan played his last tournament for Punjab Kings in the IPL this year in April. Over his career, he scored 24 centuries, including 17 in ODIs and 7 in Test matches. In his retirement post, Dhawan mentioned that he is closing the chapter on his cricketing career, carrying many cherished memories with him. He thanked his fans for their love and support.
Known for his stellar performances in ODIs, Dhawan leaves behind a legacy as one of the few Indian batsmen to score over 5,000 runs at an average of over 40 and a strike rate of over 90. He joins an elite list alongside Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli.
Dhawan last represented India in December 2022 in an ODI series against Bangladesh. Throughout his career, he played 34 Test matches, 167 ODIs, and 68 T20Is, amassing 2,315 runs in Tests, 6,793 runs in ODIs, and 1,759 runs in T20Is.