In Delhi, the price of 10 grams of 22 carat gold is Rs.57,500, while the price of 24 carat is Rs.62,710.
22 carat gold price in Mumbai Rs.57,350, 24 carat price Rs.62,560, Kolkata 22 carat price Rs.57,350, 24 carat price Rs.62,560, Chennai 22 carat price Rs.57,800, 24 carat price Rs.63,050, Bangalore 22 carat gold price Rs.57,350, 24 carats cost Rs.62,560, in Kerala the price of 22 carats is Rs.57,350, and the price of 24 carats is Rs.62,560. 💰🏹
Rates in Telugu states.. 🌐
If the price of 22 carat 10 gram gold in Hyderabad is Rs.57,350, the price of 24 carat pasidi is Rs.62,560. In Vijayawada and Visakhapatnam, the price of 10 grams of 22 carats is Rs.57,350 and the price of 24 carats is Rs.62,560. 💎📊