In a shocking incident in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y.S Jagan Mohan Reddy was injured during his "Memu Anta Siddham" bus tour when unidentified assailants pelted stones at him. The attack occurred at the Singh Nagar Daba Kotla Center while CM Jagan was greeting the public stepping out of his bus. Reportedly, a stone, hurled with significant force, struck near his left eye, causing swelling.
Medical assistance was promptly provided to CM Jagan, and despite the attack, the bus tour resumed normally. Minister Vellampalli Srinivas also sustained injuries in this incident. The police are currently reviewing CCTV footage from the area, which is flanked by a school on one side and two-story buildings on the other. The power supply was interrupted at the time of the attack. Local YSRCP leaders allege that the attack was orchestrated by TDP factions, unable to tolerate the increasing public support for CM Jagan.