The Habeebnagar police with assistance of Commissioner’s Task force on Friday arrested three persons involved in the bogus voting in the Nampally constituency during the Telangana Assembly polls.
The accused have been identified as Mohammed Zakir, Mohammed Shabuddin (a student) and Ritesh Gupta. They were found involved removing indelible ink marks from voters’ fingers using some chemical.
The accused had planned to carry out bogus voting on the polling day and at polling station No. 123, located at Govt High School Nampally. They had purchased chemicals to remove indelible ink marks from voters’ fingers.
Police said they carried out the illegal activity on the premises of a religious place in the area. As per their plan, they procured voters ID cards of different persons who were absent, deceased or had shifted their residence.
They used their voter ID numbers to print out information slips and had planned to conduct bogus voting with the help of other people. The police seized the voter lists, duplicate voter ID cards, unused cotton, a chemical bottle, a mini slip printing machine, and paper rolls from their possession.
“The police have taken strict action against the accused to avoid any fraudulent activities,” said DCP Task force Nikita Pant.The three persons have been booked under various sections of IPC and RP Act.🗳️📲