The Telangana government on Tuesday issued a notice allowing citizens to pay pending challans at only a percentage of the original value. The government has launched a scheme under which it is offering 60 to 90 per cent discounts to the people on their traffic challan orders.
The Telangana government on Tuesday issued a notice allowing citizens to pay pending challans at only a percentage of the original value. The government has launched a scheme under which it is offering 60 to 90 per cent discounts to the people on their traffic challan orders.
The order said, “Telangana State, Hyderabad has stated that in recent years, e-Challan pendency is in huge numbers and due to Covid-19 pandemic many of the vehicle owners have not paid e-Challans. Same time contact and non-contact enforcement was done, and a large number of Traffic Challans were imposed. The huge pendency clearance is very difficult.”
The scheme opened on Tuesday, December 26, and will continue till January 10, 2024.
The order said, “Many vehicles like two-wheelers, three-wheelers are not able to pay above pending fines as these amounts are more than the cost of the vehicle. Hence, it is proposed to clear the huge pendency of traffic e-Challans by adopting specific criteria to clear the pending challans. He has requested to give a discount on pending fines, wheeler-wise.”
Under the scheme, the government will be offering an 80 per cent discount on two and three-wheeler vehicles. Whereas, a 90 per cent discount will be offered to Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TSRTC) buses.
However, the discount offered on challans issued for light motor vehicles like cars and heavy motor vehicles like trucks will be 60 per cent.
The order read, “In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 200 of the Motor Vehicle Act. 1988, the Government hereby waives off the fine amount of 80% for 2 wheeler vehicles and 3 wheeler vehicles, 90% for Telangana State Road Transport Corporation Buses, and 60% for light motor vehicles/Heavy motor vehicles imposed under Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 through e-Challans which are not yet paid by owners with immediate effect, in relaxation of the orders issued in GO MS No.108, TR & B (Tr-I) Dept dt: 18-08-2011 as a one-time measure.”
The implementation of the discount on traffic challans is in line with the promises made in the election manifesto of the Congress party, which recently came to power in the state.
As per the order, vehicle owners are required to visit the Telangana traffic e-challan website to review any pending challans against their vehicles and make the discounted payment online.
According to media reports, it is estimated that approximately two crore traffic challans are currently pending throughout the state.
Earlier this year, Minister of Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari told the Parliament that over 4.73 crore challans worth ₹ 7,563.60 crore were issued in 2022 across India. He added that while ₹ 2,874.41 crore was collected, ₹ 4,654.26 crore stood pending. 🚗💰🛑