It is known that currently Android WhatsApp users are saving their chat backup data in Google Drive. However, while these services are currently available for free, the company said that it will no longer offer free unlimited backups on Google Drive from 2024. 📅📂
From now on WhatsApp backups will only get limited storage quota. Only 15GB storage limit provided in Google Drive is provided for free. But if you want to increase the storage, you have to pay money. 💽💵
The rule of allocating space in Google Drive for chat backups will come into effect from the beginning of 2024. In Android beta version there was a message explaining this. He said that WhatsApp backups on Google Drive will no longer provide unlimited storage for free. 🔄📦
WhatsApp users need to maintain storage space if they want to keep their backups any longer. Otherwise you have to pay for extra storage. If you want to know how much storage users have used, you can check the storage review option in WhatsApp settings. 📲🔍
Meanwhile, WhatsApp has not yet made any official statement on how much they charge for chat backup storage. Information regarding this will be given soon. 🌐📄