Even though the OnePlus Nord CE-4 has launched in India, users still prefer the Nord CE-3 and Nord CE-3 Lite. These phones, available in 8GB + 128GB variants, handle multitasking efficiently. With a 50MP main camera equipped with a Sony IMX 890 sensor and OIS, an 8MP ultra-wide lens, a 2MP macro camera, and a 16MP front camera for selfies, these phones stand out. The 6.7-inch AMOLED Full HD Plus display with a 120Hz refresh rate makes it even better, priced at just ₹16,849.
The Lava Agni 2 5G, from the Indian mobile manufacturer, comes with a glass back and curved AMOLED display at a low price. It has a quad-camera setup featuring a 50MP primary camera, 8MP ultra-wide sensor, and 2MP depth and macro sensors. The camera system performs well under various lighting conditions. Powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 7050 processor, the 8GB + 256GB variant is priced at ₹16,999.
The Realme 12 5G attracts camera lovers with its 108MP primary camera offering 3x lossless zoom. This phone has a special fan base for its portrait shots and comes with advanced multi-face recognition and facial optimization algorithms. Available in an 8GB + 128GB variant and powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 6100 processor, the phone is currently priced at ₹15,228.
The recently released iQOO Z9 is a hit among the youth for its looks. It runs on the MediaTek Dimensity 7200 chipset with a 2.8GHz clock speed, handling multitasking efficiently. Gamers love this phone. It comes with a 50MP primary camera and a 16MP selfie camera, priced at ₹19,998.
Realme Narzo 70 Pro 5G is popular among the youth who want to multitask without spending a lot. The phone, with a special VC cooling system, is a favorite among gamers. It comes with a 6.67-inch display, an 8GB + 128GB variant, and the MediaTek Dimensity 7050 processor, currently priced at ₹17,998.