Tollywood's star hero, Vijay Deverakonda, recently graced the screens with a family entertainer, and the buzz around his latest venture is already sky-high. Directed by the talented Ravikiran Kola under the renowned production of Dil Raju and Sirish, the new movie is set against a rustic village backdrop. On the occasion of Vijay Deverakonda's birthday, the first look poster was released, featuring Vijay with a blood-stained sword, promising an intense rural drama reminiscent of hits like 'Rangasthalam.' The poster, dripping with blood and resolve, hints at a film that could be a game-changer in Deverakonda’s career.
The project, known as 'Raja Vaaru Rani Gaaru,' marks a significant entry for director Ravikiran Kola following his debut success. With high expectations set by its compelling first look, this film is set to be the 59th venture under the SVC banner of Dil Raju. Vijay Deverakonda, after his recent hit in the family genre directed by Parasuram Petla, faced a bit of a setback due to negative publicity but bounced back as the film is now trending as number one on Amazon Prime OTT. This new village backdrop movie is set to captivate audiences, with Vijay continuing to take on ambitious projects like a spy action thriller directed by Gautham Tinnanuri and produced by Sithara Entertainments. Deverakonda is undoubtedly busy with back-to-back high-profile projects, raising excitement among his fans.