He said that if the film was released on Friday, he would be blackmailed on Thursday night. Vishal said that the money was not paid to the financier and the film would not be released and they used to arrange money with him.
Hero Vishal said that the film industry will be damaged due to the behavior of some producers. He said that the reason why he became a producer was the behavior of some producers. The producers used to trouble him when his films were released. He said that if the film was released on Friday, he would be blackmailed on Thursday night. Vishal said that the money was not paid to the financier and the film would not be released and they used to arrange money with him. He was angry that they are not even giving proper remuneration. He said that he has seen many such difficulties...that's why he became a producer. Vishal started a film factory, produced films with good stories and became a producer. Let's wait and see how the producers react to Vishal's comments.🎥🎞️